Equine Physiotherapy
Horses carry riders and this alone makes them athletes, this can also cause unwanted pain and small issues than can progress if left untreated. Being aware of signs that your horse is in discomfort can lead to you identifying muscular changes, pain, and over time - decrease the risk of lameness.
Watch out for these signs:
Loss of performance -Knocking poles, less stamina, tripping, lower dressage scores, difficulty cantering or during transitions etc
Change in attitude- Lack of enthusiasm, aggression, more reserved, head-shaking.
Recent injury or surgery
Resentment to being tacked up
Ridden issues - Bucking/napping or rearing
Gait changes - shoe wear changes, losing shoes, toe dragging, stiffness
Common Reasons for Call out
"Sore Back"
Altered performance
Gait changes
After Surgery
Tendon Injury
Exercise Programmes/Pole-work help
Difficulty performing dressage moves
Joint Disease/Arthritis
Locking Stifle
Kissing Spine
Muscle injury/Wounds